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phone macarena

the act of checking you side and then back pockets in search of your phone usually causing you to accidently perform a portion of the macarena.

john: dude wait where is my phone?! *checks pockets*
Bob: haha you just did the phone macarena

by mynamedontmatter October 19, 2009


SIP - (Session Initiation Protocol) is a signaling protocol used to create, manage and terminate sessions in an IP based network. A session could be a simple two-way telephone call or it could be a collaborative multi-media conference session. This makes possible to implement services like voice-enriched e-commerce, web page click-to-dial or Instant Messaging with buddy lists in an IP based environment. SIP has been the choice for services related to Voice over IP (VoIP) in the recent past. It is a standard (RFC 3261) put forward by Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). SIP is still growing and being modified to take into account all relevant features as the technology expands and evolves. But it should be noted that the job of SIP is limited to only the setup and control of sessions. The details of the data exchange within a session e.g. the encoding or codec related to an audio/video media is not controlled by SIP and is taken care of by other protocols.

im gonna use my sip-phone to call overseas because its free

by David Cholagh April 12, 2007

phone roll

Describing a situation where an unintended text recipient who is not acquainted with the sender in real life responds to the text in a humorous manner.

Sender: Hey can you bring da money to udz? ima going home n make frybread for yr bro.

Unintended recipient: Hey, ur txting the wrong number, but I'll take some frybread.

Sender: LMFAO o shit sry


by Rulacho August 3, 2013


Anyone who owns an smart phone or bluetooth headset.

"I don't know if I should get an iphone 3Gs or an Android, I really like the functionality of my iPhone 3g but it doesn't have the features of a Blackerry that I require. I'm so excited that the new iphone opperating system supports stereo bluetooth sound now that I have my motorokr headphones. Can anyone tell me if you can broadcast bluetooth to more than two speakers for digital surround sound? I want to synch my light garden to Pink Floyd and smoke pot with the lady friend who think's im just a phone-drone with my headset tuned to star trek, but how do I broadcast to two headsets at once? I'm having synching issues.

by UberQ January 23, 2010

phoney phoning

to pretend your on the phone with/ texting someone while in public for either two reasons:

1. too look cool and like you have friends or

2. to avoid certain situations

reason number two is the most respectable one.

1. person 1: whos that skank on the phone with? why would anyone call her?
person 2: i bet shes phoney phoning.

2. person 1: shit here she comes, lets phoney phone so she won't try and talk to us.

by fatima mcbringuade May 23, 2008

phone vegan

A person who insists on talking or texting but doesn't provide any meat to the conversation, thus wasting your time.

John: "I'm so fed up with Teresa; she's a total phone vegan."

Conversation of a phone vegan:
Teresa: Hi.
John: Hey, what's up? How have you been?
Teresa: Nuthin. Good.
John: ... That's good. What did you want to talk about?
Teresa: Idk.

by Captain Battletoads, Ph.D. December 13, 2012

Phone Wanker

Someone who attends a live music event and insists on filming the performance on their phone instead of enjoying the atmosphere. Exactly what these dipshits do with the footage after the event is unclear but it's likely it just sits on their phone, acting as a reminder of the performance they attended in person but largely watched via a 5 inch screen. The Phone Wanker is further characterised by the person filming the event with their phone in a vertical/portrait orientation, thus rendering the footage unusable for any purpose other than viewing it on their phone. Sadly all attempts to capture the event for prosperity (or perhaps bragging rights) are rendered useless anyway since the diminutive microphone on the phone is inadequate when faced with the venues high powered speaker stack.

I went to see Rag n Bone man in concert last week. Amazing gig but I was surrounded by Phone Wankers who insisted on filming it!

by JayWon April 21, 2017