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His name is normally Michael lopes and he likes cars, bars, and has a dog named har. He on the quest for that cupcake and is the Mexican eazy e.

Sussy imposter Mikey

by Morbius99fortnitecheeks June 5, 2022


a typical guy with the smallest willy to exist but yet says it is bigger

“ mikey has a small willy, but always says it’s 4inches

“ he has a small willy, he must me a mikey”

by unknown123976 April 8, 2022


Mikey is a talented artist. He has no other special qualities. Even his drawing isn’t very good we just say that to make him feel good ab himself. He’s nice tho. Tyler is a dumb bitch he is gay. He is Mikeys side hookup but also his main cause they r both single asf. Tyler has a thing for hammocks. Anyway Mikey is chill.

Me- Hey who’s the nicest guy u know
you- Mikey

by ccheney15 October 27, 2019


Baller as fuck white kid who has a hoe named Hailey

Yo Mikey is baller as fuck and he's got that pretty girl Hailey on his dick

by Ballerasswhiteboy March 24, 2021


real metal head

girl 1: do you know mikey ?
girl 2: yeah !! he’s so cool

by reallimpbizkit November 21, 2021


The man of a man that is incapable of every day actives therefore the large mass

Mikey get your fat ass up

by Willy man the third October 11, 2019


The dumbest bitch you’ll ever meet. He has got the spirit but he a little confused

I asked him how deep a six feet hole was and he said 20 feet. His name was Mikey

by August 18, 2022