Say you arguing with your girlfriend and she say “smh” betta beat ha guts up😏
SMH, commonly misunderstood as "Shake My Head," actually means "So Much Hunkiness." SMH is used when a man, or group of men do something so outstanding that the women around them are in awe, and can't help but to exclaim "SMH."
Look at those dudes, they dressed up like a zebra, and were attacked by lions. That is awesome - SMH. So Much Hunkiness.
Although it is supposed to stand for "Shaking my head", it is also used to say "Somehow"
I threw a rock at his window, but smh he paid me a drink
they betrayed us and gave the meth to the other gang, but smh it's no surprise
Smh stands for shaking my head
Friend:Did you hear about the remake?
Me: I know right smh
SMH now means; share my head, as in the head of the male genitalia
Yo, bro! Lemme SMH with your girl!