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weed stank

1: A foul smell created after the use of marijuana.
2: A saying used by "stoners" to describe excitement or hype.

1: dude, smell my fingers, I've got a serious case of the weed stank bro.
2: Dude, weed stank!

by BananaKingMan February 23, 2016

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Stank Spank

To fart on ones hand and then proceed to masturbate vigorously.

Jimmys girlfriend performed oral sex on him one Sunday night. His wang tasted like a steamy turd so she said "What the fuck jimmmy your dick tastes like shit" in which he replied "I know hunny I'm a sick fuck, today I was Stank Spanking it like it was my hobby"

by 31AJF31 May 4, 2009

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wank stank

Possessing the aroma that one typically associates with just having sex. However, this musky fragrance is achieved all by one’s self.

Knock on the bedroom door.

Door opens.

Dave - Hey bro, you wanna go get some food? I was thinking…Whoa, man! This room reeks of dirty sex! Did you just get some?

Steve - Nah, that’s just wank stank.

Dave - Dammit Steve, you need help!

by AnUncleverName April 25, 2008

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skank stank

The odor that accumulates on a girl after 2-3 consecutive days of partying without access to a shower.

Kristy's skank stank was particularly strong after spending most of spring break at parties and clubs.

by 56k February 21, 2011

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Hautian stank

A foul odor permeating regions populated by hautians. Believed to be the stench of hautian prostitutes' rotting vaginas.

See hautian

Man, the Hautian stank is much stronger than usual tonight.

by nick314 January 4, 2006

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stank ass

Stank: The quality of being whorish and/or trashy or the appearance of bearing said quality.

Ass: Term for donkey, the butt, or individual who is mean for no reason.

Put it together and you get someone from Shittsburgh.

Shittsburgh (Pittsburgh) is a stank ass city that spends millions of federal tax dollars on internet advertisements so everyone thinks it is a nice place, when anyone from the outside knows it is not.

by Only*The*Truth April 9, 2013

21πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

stank weasel

A stank weasel is a low bellied cowardice person. Often time a stank weasel exhibits rat fink type behavior.

Man that dude is such a stank weasel, he totally moved in on my best mates girl while he was outta commission with the flu

by Charlie T. Brown February 11, 2009

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