The most holy and reliable font of knowledge mercifully forsaken to us by the redeemer Jim Wales.
Teacher: it says in your essay that ammonia was first artificially formed in a heat / pressure equilibrium monitored spherical container from the principle ingredients of ammo and...
Student: ah, that would the part I ripped of wikipedia...
to describe the cutest boy ever. use this word on anyone who's usually smart, handsome, and nice.
Wikipedia is basically everything in one online dictionary.
Sheeesh! Mans using Wikipedia for his answers!
The most important website in history, and teachers (AKA: Assholes you are forced to be with) think it's an illegal website or smth
i will never understand why teachers hate wikipedia.
More reliable than your crappy school sources that haven’t been updated since 2000 and do not have any proof of this info by any means.
School is Hell.
Teachers: don’t use Wikipedia
The fact checkers and people who update the info weekly: Mike/Sully face
The place where nerds go to spend their time reading.
Wikipedia is an encyclopedia that is developed by it's community. There are 54 million articles on wikipedia. Wikipedia's administration is strict. On Wikipedia, there are rarely any good articles. Most of Wikipedia's 54 million articles are lingually complex, uninforming and tend to make little sense.
Lol, Jared is a nerd, he's reading a Wikipedia article on the mongolian empire. Ahhahahahahhahahaha...