1. a term of endearment for someone usually used as a pet name
Lib: how was your day at work pookie bear
Joe: got racially abused again by a pensioner
1. a term of endearment for someone usually used as a pet name
Lib: how was your day at work pookie bear
Joe: got racially abused again by a pensioner
Somebody you care about, doesn’t have to be in a lusty romantic way. It can be as simple as a friend or somebody nice.
Friend: Hey Pookie
You: Hey Pookie Bear!
Friend: Not much man, not much!
A Instagram group chat with members Alan, Edgar, jaasiel, Jesus, Johnathan, Matthew, and Victoria
We are Pookie Bears
A group chat with all your pookies.
Alan, Edgar, David, jaasiel, Jesus, Johnathan, Matthew, and Victoria are all Pookie Bears
A kawaii superstar name/petname
I love u pookie wookie dookie sookie mookie cookie bear
"i'm proud pookie bear EAHHH😜"