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Jasper Juice Box

When someone urinates and ejaculates into a persons anus and sucks it out slowly with a straw.

(Darren)..I heard rod had a Jasper juice box last night ?

(Dylan)..Ya I heard Brian farted and the juice started comming through Rod's nose.

by Dylan Wilson February 12, 2008

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night night juice

night night juice is a mix of 30 10mg ambien into a 750mg bottle of any hard alcohol usually vodka. It is drank for its side effects with include euphoria hallucinations and sleep resultion in loss of time.

Whoa what a night bro -

what happended to my appartment?

I dont know glad we used night night juice rather than knock out juice -

by lifer013 September 19, 2013

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Radioactive Coochie juice

When you are to take tweezers to a female infected with the herpe virus and start uncontrollably popping them until all juice is out, filling the cup. Downing the cup as if you were dehydrated and have a full glass of ice cold water.

Bro, last night me and my girlfriend we’re mid way through raw sex when I had to fill my cup with that radioactive coochie juice.

by Chicken N*times September 16, 2018

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Yee Yee Juice

The sad version of Yeet Yeet Juice some even call it the little brother. Cousins of McSquitty Boy, and Falg boy.

Yeet Yeet Juice: Hey little bro
Yee Yee Juice: I am a Furrie!

by Jotdownmypants March 13, 2019

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Gamer Juice

another name for sweat or nut in reference to gamers.

Don't but a white mouse, you'll get your gamer juices all over it!

by CheyMelonLover666 February 10, 2019

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Bean Juice

are you drinking any liquid right now then youre drinking bean juice, bean juice can heal anything that is wrong with you but you have about a 90% chance of dying so we will never really know if it helps that person or not ;?

yo did you here about Jackson dude drank bean juice and lived

by Benjamin_Sharp2 July 2, 2018

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juiced up

really good or great

β€œdamn have you seen veronica shes’s juiced up”

by femboylover October 30, 2020

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