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slapped flange

To sport a unhappy expression on one’s face is to wear a face like a slapped flange 🙁

Did you see You that moody git on tv, he had a face like a slapped flange.

by therealslimshaney72 September 25, 2017


To get your shit rocked by a Goblin's palm

"Damn dude, my 5th level Paladin got totally gob-slapped by the Goblin Monk."

by rambozotheclown October 11, 2019

Habib slap

This is the term for slapping your dog against your wife of an arranged marriage and then

t-bagging her to claim your victory

Person 4: your so god damn annoying

Person 1: hey sir I swear if she doesn’t shut it I’ll habib slap her with the dog

Person 2: tag team ?

Person 1: ohhhh it’s on

Person 3: no no don’t I heard her nan say we should take a bath in dettol

Person 5: *screams loudly*

by Womper stomper February 23, 2022

Patty Slapped

To be mentally beaten down through food commercials/media to the point you have to find sustenance, no matter what time of day or how full you are. It is a version of the munchies, replacing weed with the Food Channel.

Kaley: I just finished watching the Food Channel. I got patty slapped into making Mac n Cheese and a stir fry.

Patrick: Damn, all this talk of food is making me hungry.

by DrDreidel February 6, 2012

Slap Out

In southern parts of the USA, it means 'completely'.

Person 1: I just got cussed slap out by some person that cut me off!

Person 2: Damn

by AYAUS February 18, 2022

slapping the mongoose

violently masturbating. Like how a mongoose breaks a cobras neck by shaking it.

I was slapping the mongoose last night and my dick hurt so much afterwards.

by jimmy dragon slayer 112 March 29, 2018

Bizatch slap

When you slap your girlfriend so hard, her mother feels it, in fact, her grandmother feels it.

Matter of fact, her great great grandmother, once removed, feels it.

Yeah I hit my girlfriend. I gave her the ole bizatch slap.

by Emmapiaskowski September 24, 2020