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2/3 1/3

someone who is 2/3 brown skin and 1/3 dark skin

alt def: nickname for someone who is the nicest person 2/3 of the time and the complete opposite 1/3 of the time

She is so 2/3 1/3

by amb0723 October 14, 2020


the best couple ever


by yollie4ever June 18, 2022

3" penetration

how hard you hit when your on propolyhexadrine and extracted codiene and ready to fight someone in a trial by combat

you dont fuck with that guy i sw3ar hes packing 3" penetration

by Cody5050 November 9, 2020

2 out of 3

I’ll give you 2 out of 3

Hym “Leeet’s see... Ben says that when it comes to health insurance the three metrics are Quality, Accessibility, and Affordability and that you can only have 2 out of 3... So I’ll give you the same deal. We have the gangstalking (imposed schizophrenia), we have the retard sex cult, and we have the taking credit for my things... I’ll give you 2 of your choosing. How does that sound? I’m nothing if not reasonable (when it comes to things that aren’t retard sex cults).”

by Hym Iam October 6, 2022

The best girlfriend <3

The best girlfriend is mine. She's perfect the way she is and I love her with all my heart, I'd die for her.
I hope I can make her happy like she makes me <3

X:Hey guess what
Y: what?
X: I literally got the best girlfriend <3 I love her so much ♡♡

by The one u'll always love <3 September 4, 2021

carmela <3

the most beautiful, hot, cute, pretty girl in the entire world with exquisite fashion sense and is super super super nice and sweet, also very funi and goofy ahh

carmela <3 is the most gorgeous attractive girl in the world ..

by jeri :) May 26, 2022

Virgin 3 some

A 3 way between friends without making penetration. (1st base)

Man i just had a virgin 3 some with 2 of the hottest girls/guys.

by J’koby Mactruck November 14, 2020