A person who attacks someone's character based on a soundbite or meme of a completely out of context statement without any further research into the truth.
This soundbite terrorism is tedious!
A form of terrorism SJWs and haters use to cancel or hate on someone by insulting them followed by death threats and wishing for them to tragically die just because they have a different view that doesnt fit their narrative.
Sam witnessed the rising surge of technological terrorism towards one of his friends on Twitter when they tried to bring up a different opinion on a sensitive subject.
Sorry, I can't come out tonight, I gots the bum terrors somethin' aweful!!
Did you get the bum terrors after that meal last night? I fucking hope you did! I didn't even want to eat in that shitbox restaurant!
An extremist ideology with genocidal and vengeful leanings that was made infamous by Osama bin Laden and his organization, al-Qaeda; it's responsible for the destruction of two US embassies in East Africa (1998) and the original World Trade Center Twin Towers in New York (2001).
Counterterrorists: No high-rise building will be safe and secure unless international terrorism is eliminated from the face of the Earth!
Anti-war people: It will never be possible to win the War on Terror - international terrorists are very genocidal toward their worst enemies and vengeful for their fallen comrades!
Someone who is higher up in the monarchy.
"the queen is a terror-reptillian'
You love men every guy you see you think he is the hottest thing alive
"Sam has some jungle terror"
Having a fear of the water sports so paralyzing that you turn gay.
Why didn’t Tremmel go whitewater rafting this year?
“Oh last time he went he end up with Transgressive Homo-Aquatic Terror. Now he just spends all his time trolling for dick at rest stops on the interstate.”