Source Code


This is a variant of munging in which the corpse to be munged is a victim of the coronavirus, who is acquired via a local nursing home. To ensure proper social distancing, the participating individual who loses the coin toss, rock-paper-scissors, or other contest of choice, pops an experimental dick-enlarging pill which extends the participant’s penile length to 6 feet, in addition to donning a face mask with a slit cut out in the middle in order to allow the expelled mung and corona juice mixture (hence “COVID-mung”) to enter the perpetrator’s orifice(s) in an internationally acceptable manner.

Zack: Hey Cody, you wanna head over to the old folk’s home?

Cody: Yea sure... Why? You volunteering or something?

Zack: No, I just have a real strong hankering to perform a COVID-Munging on one of the former residents. Since I haven’t been able to get any quarantine pussy, I figured this’d be the next best thing to give my dick a nice kickstart.
Cody: You’re sick. What the fuck is wrong with you?
(Cody leaves the room only to quickly return, walking past Zack with the car keys)
Cody: C’mon you sick bastard, let’s go. Some old woman named Ethyl that I used to help just died and the way she put her muffins in the oven always made me sweat a bit.

by jellypuddinginmyanus42069 July 6, 2020


A modern Typhoid Mary, Covid Kevin is an asymptomatic disease carrier of the COVID 19 virus. With his self-righteous, ill-informed understanding of what contagious and constitutional means, his protestations to the checkout girl, free from the tyranny and oppression of a removable face covering, can infect the people around him with his freedom laden spittle and spew.

During COVID Kevin’s viral mating season of 3 to 14 or more days, Kevin can infect dozens of others, statistically sending several to the hospital or their death, fulfilling his role in the pandemic ecosystem.


COVID Cory, COVID Cody, COVID Carl, as well as other catchy names that pair well with Covid, including its feminized versions, COVID Carole and COVID Karen (Not to be confused with the white privileged, self-righteous female “Karen”)

1. Is that some COVID Kevin making an ass out of himself in the checkout line?

2. Whenever I’m indoors with people I don’t know not wearing masks, I can’t help but feel I’m surrounded by a bunch of COVID Kevins.

3. Poor guy, he was a COVID Kevin and didn’t even know it.

by Mad Mod Lib July 12, 2020

COVID machismo

The mistaken belief that a sub-microscopic piece of RNA code can be bluffed by representing that you hold a large penis.

Mason openly displayed his AR-15 and hugged his MAGA brothers and sisters in an open display of COVID machismo. Nineteen days later, his mother went to the hospital.

by WildTurkeyNYC May 13, 2020

Covid prepper

One who has been ready for the covid 19 social distancing guidelines his whole life and has no chance of getting the virus due to the lifelong preparation of it. Similar to doomsday preppers. This person may be prepared due to his rigorous practice of social distancing via social awkwardness, snobiness or, in rare cases agoraphobia

Any buddy see bob? I havnt seen him in forever. Remember he’s one of those Covid prepper guys.

by Laurylyn April 29, 2020


All CoVID (i.e., SARS-CoV-2) strains in 2021, the most well-known being Delta and Omicron.

CoVID-21 just had to ruin the plans we dreamt of for our entire lives.

by Velaze May 17, 2022

Covid terrorist

somebody who willfully goes into public even though they are supposed to be quarantined due to an active corona virus infection or an exposure to corona virus

"Wait, Sally posted that she had COVID last night but I saw her in the bagel shop today"
"Yea, she's a COVID terrorist. She needs to stop terrorizing the community with her COVID and stay home"

by curleyfade89 January 6, 2021

Covid Hobby

A random hobby you pick up when you have covid brain.

New covid hobby gots me searching through all my change to find a penny worth 30,000 dollars.

by Debful77 October 28, 2023