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brianna dean

funny friend who will always be there for you and has her silly friends karmyn and Hannah to hang out with she will bring a weird feeling to your day will always be an easy target for teasing.

love keianna

girl: you see brianna dean?
guy:yeah Liams teasing her again

by keian July 24, 2018

Jan and Dean

The 1960’s Music duo consisting of Jan Berry and Dean Torrence. They are known for their surfing music that Brian Wilson helped write for them. Before surf music, the duo preformed many doo-wop songs, mist notably “Baby Talk” in 1959.

Jan and Dean had many successful songs in the mid 60’s such as “Dead Man’s Curve” and “Surf City”.

by Haileymusic16 April 22, 2020

Dean's Mom

The classic respected women that turns into a sex demon under the covers, this women comes in all shapes and sizes and refuses to take one cock at a time(3 or more). Deans mom has a track record for fucking big black men so that she can brutalized and abused.

Woah that big juicy ass looks like it belongs to Dean's mom.

by Joseph letova March 31, 2021

Gina dean

Chubacca crotch who makes group plans and then cancels and goes out with other friends the day after and complains shes so hungover.

Might suck your dick for 10$

So loud the whole state of ny knows when she has something to say.

Cant go in public without atleast knowing 7 random pedestrians on the street.

See that crazy ferral lady over there ...

Yeah.. shes such a gina dean

by Fuckidy fuck fuck March 21, 2017

Dean Fact

A dean fact is a supposed 'fact' that dean says but he is completely wrong and has minimal factual evidence to back up his claim. It will most likely be his opinion or will be misleading information that he found out and decided to tell everyone.

George: Phoebe is grim

Dean: Nah shes peng
George: Thats a dean fact

by ThatsADeanFact! June 12, 2018

dean oconnor


Dean Oconnor is such a mug.

by Not stephen. August 28, 2017

Kenton Dean

A Jelly Bean.

Kenton Dean is mighty tasty.

by Too-Ree January 17, 2022