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In the NFL, a blind person who stands on the field and makes decisions about the game.

"Did you see the call that referee just made?"
"Yeah, but I don't think HE did."

by tangenthoughts December 23, 2009

137πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


In a threesome involving 2 guys and one girl where the girl is penetrated both anally and vaginally the person who places his or her hands on the woman's taint to keep the gentlemen's balls from touching.

Yeah, I had a threesome last night...no...not the good kind...and we didn't even have a referee.

by Beef Swellington January 30, 2009

49πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


A blind crazy idiot at a basketball game
Who needs to be stripped of theee clothes and glued to the floor

Stupid referee

by Loveyahey December 12, 2020


the person who receives a paycheck from Barcelona

Barca player: *not even touched*
referee: PENALTY

by TAIM'S WIFE April 13, 2023


A stupid bench back wanker who fucks up any game such as basketball that stupid prick will call a foul on you with 10 sec left while your losing and you did not foul him but they say you didddd

Look at the cunt referee\ohhh look it’s that duche bag referee

by Yeeboi1297 January 20, 2018

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A referee, or "ref" for short, is a person whose job is to ensure that the rules of a competitive event are observed and obeyed, or at least in theory. In reality, they are the scapegoats for any shortcomings that the players have and are generally treated like utter shit by both players and spectators alike.

Soccer Player: Dude, that referee was such a fucking piece of shit. Hey, nice call, fucker!

Person: Shut up. How would you like to try to manage a fair game, only to have half of the field scream vulgarities and death threats at you, then vandalize your car?

Soccer Player: But...but...it was a bad call.

Person: Damn, you're a fucking dolt.

by DLoc1337 July 30, 2008

108πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


a group of people, sometimes known as an officiating crew, that cover sports games (such as football, basketball, hockey, and so forth baseball's referees are known as umpires). also known as people who should be replaced by robots on the field because of their unmistakably horrible calls on key plays and big games (see: referees overturning an interception in Colts V Steelers, 1/15/06)

The referees for the game made such a bad call that the players spoke out about them afterwards.

by SnoJoe January 16, 2006

23πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž