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Gangsta Dump

To poop "gangsta" style, laying sideways. Most often done by clueless inner city youths who think doing anything on it's side, makes it "gansta"
Also known as punching Sam Walton.

Yo wanna ride wit' us,? Den yo gotta poop right! Pull down dose drawers and Gangsta dump, yo! Flash some gang signs wit yo toes!

by Boink Farnk November 17, 2009

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Ortho Dump

Refers to an admission that ends up on the medicine service because the ortho resident is either (a) too lazy, (b) doesn't know how to manage blood pressure and diabetes, or (c) doesn't want to do an H&P and discharge summary

I have an ortho dump for you. 39 year old female with hip fracture. Ortho wants medicine to admit because she may have medical problems but they're not sure

by Dr. Feelgood2010 November 24, 2010

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Dumping yourself

A situation arising from a relationship which is encourtering difficulty, where the one responsible for causing the turmoil does not end the relationship. Rather, the one in love and wanting the relationship to continue, ends the relationship as there is clearly no possibility for reconcilliation.

I think that dumping yourself is the only way that will prevent any further heartache, despite how much you love him.

by Etak_soda August 21, 2011

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Corporate Dump

The act of defecation at work without clocking out or waiting for a lunch break.

Joe likes to take corporate dumps because it's far more satisfying to crap while getting paid.

by sputza November 1, 2008

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Slater Dump

Inspiration inspired from AC Slater from saved by the bell sitting backwards on his chair at the restaurant and in class. A Slater Dump is when you turn around and have the bowl between your legs. The beauty is being able to cross your arms and rest on the back of the toilet, or even place an espresso on it.

I took the nicest Slater Dump today at work, got about 20 minutes shut eye too.

by Jake November 22, 2004

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Taking a dump

Or aka deficating, shitting, pooping. Also can be seen as taking a crap, taking a shit, dropping a load, dropping the kids off at the pool, clearing the traffic jam on the hershey highway, dropping a bomb, shooting the torpedo, some people would say they are having a baby (that would be a bigass piece of shit). Personally this is one of my favorite times of the day when I sit down and get creative, I enjoy reading while I take a dump.

Yesterday I got home from work and the doorbell rang, I yelled," I am taking a dump! Come back in an hour!"

by seanflow May 16, 2006

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crush dump

(v.) the act of no longer crushing on someone

I used to have a crush on Adam, but I crush dumped him when I found out he jerked off on kittens

by Krissi-Lyn July 14, 2005

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