the prefect comeback to a statement to spark a further conversation, mainly used by millennials
Seth "Did you know I can bench double my weight"?
Daniel "heard it before"
Telling lies continually until you forget what lies you have told.
He was speaking that Heard's Word, and now we can't believe a thing he says.
Telling lies continually until you forget what lies you have told.
He was speaking that Heard's Word, and now we can't believe a thing he says.
Someone who is manipulative, evil, and a gold digger
She is such an manipulative, and evil witch, what an Amber Heard
Y'all already know what those two mean
If you don't your stoopid (Candice d**k fit in yo mouth, Ligma Balls-)
So ass the title says, it means when someone pulls a Candice joke on you, the comeback is"But I heard Candice was diagnosed with Ligma"
"Have you seen Candice"
"Candice, no, but I heard she was diagnosed with Ligma"
Beta, a man who is seen as passive, subservient, weak
Austin heard is being a beta