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heard it before

the prefect comeback to a statement to spark a further conversation, mainly used by millennials

Seth "Did you know I can bench double my weight"?

Daniel "heard it before"

by Jones_Liam November 19, 2018

Heard's Word

Telling lies continually until you forget what lies you have told.

He was speaking that Heard's Word, and now we can't believe a thing he says.

by Pork & Pock May 27, 2022

Heard's Word

Telling lies continually until you forget what lies you have told.

He was speaking that Heard's Word, and now we can't believe a thing he says.

by Pork & Pock May 27, 2022

Amber Heard

Someone who is manipulative, evil, and a gold digger

She is such an manipulative, and evil witch, what an Amber Heard

by Stace1972 October 19, 2023

Amber Heard

When a dog steps on a bee

Did you see that? The dog just did an Amber Heard

by Frederick Yeo November 15, 2023

Candice, no, but I heard she was diagnosed with Ligma

Y'all already know what those two mean

If you don't your stoopid (Candice d**k fit in yo mouth, Ligma Balls-)
So ass the title says, it means when someone pulls a Candice joke on you, the comeback is"But I heard Candice was diagnosed with Ligma"

"Have you seen Candice"
"Candice, no, but I heard she was diagnosed with Ligma"

by Why-and-no June 12, 2022

Austin heard

Beta, a man who is seen as passive, subservient, weak

Austin heard is being a beta

by Peter Obama February 12, 2022