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Stormy Monday

The Stormy Monday is a sexual tactic where the man repeatedly spits on the woman's face during anal intercourse. This tactic, similar to ass to mouth or tea-bagging, is one where the male derives pleasure by humiliating the female.

I was giving her the Stormy Monday last night when she freaked out and left the room.

by doctor AA July 30, 2009

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Milf Monday

A twitter trending topic which refers to people posting about their Milf of the week!

"On #MilfMonday my milf of the week was Sarah Palin!"
"What a hot milf monday post!"

by alexacclaimed November 16, 2009

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Hey monday

A little washed-out pop-punk band. The band is filled with unoriginal little wannabes. And on top of being complete untalented sellouts Hey Monday are also copy-cats it's
So ovious that the band is trying to be like paramore, it's so annoying.

Hey monday Sucks!!

by Jfkrkkdjejjd June 22, 2009

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monday milk

To grab lunch on a Monday.

I'm starving, dip me in your Monday milk.

by Chocci milk December 19, 2016

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white monday

The equivalent to black friday.
A day where everybody isn't trying to kill eachother over the latest tablet and instead give eachother gifts for no real reason other than being kind, unfortunately it wasn't very good for business so everybody ignored it. Christmas was the middle- ground.

" Hey, wasn't there a word that was antonymous to black friday? "

" Not that I know of. "

" Hm, how sad. Oh well, don't forget the camping supplies. Gonna spend a long time at Walmart. "

White Monday, forever forgotten :'-(

by Dimentio47 June 19, 2014

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monday cuppy

Like Scottish football except better.

We can actually play... well some of us.

Liam outlines the majority of what can be said about this unbelievable spectacle. No doubt everyone in Maths during 4th period on a Monday will sit with their eyes glued to the window: albeit by Mrs. Copland for them not writing the notes!

It has more drama than all of those crap Aussie soaps added together and best of all, has the worst goalkeeper in existence... no, not Aberdeen's keeper, but the mighty Timbo. Can't catch a cold. Doesn't recognise a foul. Doesn't understand that a shot which goes in between the posts (which are beautifully constructed with bags and tend to be 2 ft wide), under the (imaginary) crossbar and over the line.. counts as a fecking goal.

Scott likes to whine and cry as he goes out first round every week thanks to dubious penalties awarded by Timbo against him (which happen to be the only penalties awarded by Timbo. Ever.)

Chuchter likes to whine and cry too yet is inaudible as he is an inbred farmer that no-one can make out a word he says so everyone takes it as speech of unimportance and carries on regardless.

Then there's Nick K. Poaching bastard!

Everyone else is fine and have been explained, again by Liam, above.

Monday cuppy has been cancelled for the first time. Ever! This occurs/occured (depends when you're reading this) on the 14th of March 2005. Reason: shitty guidance having S.E. then instead of Friday. Arseholes.

by James March 13, 2005

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Hey Monday

A hilarious TV show which shows kids with special needs trying to create music. It's seriously the funniest thing on TV.

Cassidy "Can't spell my first name" Pope
Michael "Think my name is Jersey" Moriarty
Mike Genitals
Alex Lipshawed off
Elliot "Has a Pussy" James
Dummy Nolan

Basically, they try to imitate their favorite band Paramore with hilarious results! They're so bad at it, you have to laugh hysterically!

Jim: Look everybody! "Hey Monday" is on!

Lisa: Really! Oh, AHAHAHAHAHAHA! This show is so funny!

Richard: I know, I love watching retarded kids try to make music! I just kills me!

by fgsfdsMASTER June 28, 2009

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