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princess carlotta

The Spanish name of a beautiful princess who has a wonderful singing voice and is a very enjoyable person to be around.

Princess Carlotta began to blush

by KevKev January 2, 2014

Princess Posse

A group of upper-middle class guys who hang together, are seriously image conscious, and think they are better than everyone else. They can each be directly related to one of the Disney princesses (Cinderella, Snow White, Ariel, Jasmin, Aurora, ...).

"That Princess Posse and their hair, *head shake* they use more mousse than the entire cheerleading squad."

"I guess it's not hard to look down your nose at people when you're in the Princess Posse."

by KTDigs November 26, 2011

Pushin Princess

Pushin Princess: A very attractive women that has strong directed opinions to which you cannot overcome. Usually involving a higher price point item or experience that gets close to Kardasian level.


Yo dat bitch Pushin Princess. I was gonna hit the Walmart but Keisha Pushed Princess and next I’m doing LV at Nordstrom

by My Man Mully April 28, 2022

Jizz Princess

A derogatory term for a whore/slut.

Hey bro isn't Veronica such a jizz princess?

Oh yeah man, total slut

by TheButtSmuggler February 5, 2012

road princess

Someone who mods their Jeep/truck for off-roading with all the custom upgrades, lift, & light bars but it doesn’t have a scratch on it because they’ll never take it off the pavement. All for looks & ego. Fashion instead of function.

That guy looks like he’s got 100 grand put into that road princess. Too bad it’ll never see dirt.

by Perezosa December 12, 2017

pickle princess

A princess with a pickle. A fairy with a wand. A girl with a gock. :)

Example 1: Aahhhhh pickle princesses are so cute...

Example 2: A girl without her pickle is like an angel without wings.

by CuddlesWithBoymoders October 14, 2023

2👍 1👎

Pint Princess

A female of questionable looks and appeal to the sober eye that will require a potential suitor to consume at lease six or move pints of brew for her to become reasonably attractive and desirable for sexual relations.

This bar is full of pint princesses tonight braaaaaahhh. Looks like another hangover is in store.

My cousin is a pint princess. It only took me twelve pints this Christmas for me to put it to her down on the basement after dinner.

by Eaton Holgoode January 10, 2019