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semi-skimmed homo

Semi-skimmed homo (sem•ee•skim•ed•hoe•mo)

When you have that one friend that adds "no homo" to the end of every homosexual thing they say, you refer to them as a "semi-skimmed homo" (1% homosexual).

"I want her to sit on my face. No homo. I'm straight I swear."

"Alice, you're a semi-skimmed homo."

by cindybuttsmacka November 1, 2014


A friend you are very close with, but are not officially their Boy/Girlfriend. Glorified Booty Call.Part-time lover.Person you wish was your Boy/Girlfriend,but you have not asked them yet.Someone you are in serious like with.Prospective steady G-friend.

dude#1;Hey,are you still Erik's Semi-Girlfriend? Semi-G says,Yeah,I don't expect him to ask this "Old Cougar",I'm just Semi-Boy/girlfriend status.

by Vons Mom April 29, 2007

48👍 23👎

semi-exclusive relationship

A relationship status somewhere between open and exclusive, meaning that some aspects are exclusive (e.g. holding hands, kissing, or sex) whereas others - such as meeting new people, flirting, or interacting on dating websites - are not. The exclusive aspects are defined for the particular relationship, with the idea behind a semi-exclusivity being that both people are in a trusting situation where neither feels like their emotional needs are not met.

Matt: If you are not ready for an exclusive relationship, but want more commitment than an open relationship, then why don't we try a semi-exclusive relationship...
Gina: A what!! Semi-exclusive relationship!? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!
Matt: Oh, really?! It's when some things are exclusive, but others aren't - it's a way to be exclusive where it counts without making the other person feel restricted if they feel a need to spend time with other people .... in some semi-exclusive relationships all the bases are exclusive, so people can meet new people for non-physical things that look like dates, but they are just meeting new people to talk - in others people can meet others and kiss but certain bases like sex are off limits. It just depends on what is exclusive. If that's something you prefer to a fully open or completely closed relationship, then we need to talk about what's important to each of us in maintaining our freedoms and be honest about the things we each need to be open about and those we want to be exclusive about.

by umotu June 25, 2014

16👍 6👎

computer semi-literate

A recovering Luddite, new to computers with a low skill level.

I ain't no computer semi-literate...I found the urban dictionary, didn't I?

by harry flashman July 18, 2003

8👍 2👎


Another word for bi- sexual

"Yo, Jen is a Semi-Circle"

by ntdny April 16, 2018

1👍 4👎

Semi-significant other

A person you are dating casually, but is potentially a keeper.

I thought you and Kimberly were monogamous.
Well, she is a semi-significant other, but we haven't committed to anything yet, so I'll keep trolling while I wait for her to get serious.

by Obscure One November 18, 2016

9👍 2👎

Second hand semi

When a friend tells you of his/her recent sexcapades in such graphic detail that it results in you getting half a boner

Friend 1 - "Maaaate, Amber right... gives the best blowjobs eveeer. Sloppy, great d control, eye contact...all the way in (and so on)"

Friend 2 "Mate, I'm not sure sure if I should admit this, but that description has just given me a a second hand semi"

by ThrisCaylorIII December 16, 2018