A Hawaiian Pizza but with regular ham (instead of Canadian Bacon) and you add cut strawberries to it after it's cooked. Crazy delicious if made correctly. If you add the strawberries before you bake the pie it'll have too much moisture and come out a little gross.
Bryson: "Hey, Bro, we should make a hawaiian pizza!"
Andrew: "Alright, but only if we put some strawberries on it too!"
Bryson: "I wouldn't have it any other way! A Bleeding Surfer!"
A name given to an object/organism that is unseen and covert but is destructive and deadly in nature.
That dude on Call of Duty must be Bleeding Hollow to be tearing our team up like that.
The false implication of a brain bleed.
The sensation that your brain is bleeding inside your hollow head and having the urge to crack it open to pour out all the blood. May even come in the form of a visualisation of your brain oozing out blood.
May be accompanied with headaches or urges to throw up.
Cause is yet unknown but may be a potential side effect of long term depression.
false brain bleed is the most uncomfortable and grotesque feeling I've felt in ages
The result of a hard day of defecation, or the consumption of sunflower seeds shell and all.
Will: Dude I just ate a whole bag of sunflower seeds!
Dawson: Did you eat the shells too?
Will: Of course!
Dawson: You better get ready for some heavy bum bleed.
When your butt bleeds
Anthony: Blood is coming out if your butt!
Jan: yeah, I have a bleeding butt.
The first day a girl is on her period she collects her blood and uses it as a face mask for the natural benefits
“Madison what is on your face”
“Just my first bleed”