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Taking a Phil

Taking a Phil is when another word for going to take a shit

Phil Collins went to start Taking a Phil

by ItsBigMack July 17, 2016

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Phil Swift

a man who likes to slap tape on things, dip tools in glue, and saw boats in half

"Phil Swift here from Flex Tape"


by BigBirdInJapan December 9, 2018

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Phil swift

He can patch, bond seal and repair anything

I need to Phil swift a wall right now

by dudperfect October 15, 2018

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tennessee phil

1. some who collects or enjoys the act of possessing one or more; big pickup tucks with swamp tires, jet or bass boats, and or ATVs 400cc and above
2. one who refers to a woman with a nice butt as having a nice turd cutter

3. an individual with thick Tennessee accent which may offend all northerners

Look at that tennessee phil, he pulls his bass boat to work everyday and never washes his brand new F-350 which he just put a 6 inch lift on.

by Armt Dawgs July 25, 2010

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Phil Collins

Man. How he is hated on. He is playing my city tonight. I can hear each song. If there is a musical bourgoisie it sure is against anything remotely Collinsish.

Give that man a break. He deserves credit for writing tunes no matter if you like them or not. He loves Motown just like you. And he's a fucking drummer.

You can't hurry love
Groovy kind of love
Easy Lover
Two hearts
I never liked Phil Collins. But he sure knew how to write tunes. Respect to that.

by Krkiฤ June 24, 2019

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phil mickelson

1. Not the best golfer in the world. For starters he's left handed. He also chokes like he's sucking a large dick.

2. Refers to the action of winning only one major and writing a fucking book about it.

3. Getting your jimmy waxed seven days straight.

1. Phil Mickelson sucks.

2. Phil Mickelson sucks.

3. Man, I wish i had a Phil Mickelson.

by bob March 31, 2005

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Lucky Phil

Used as a sarcastic response to someone who persistently has bad luck. Originally from Australia.

"Have you heard, Mike's broken his toe again"
"Lucky Phil!"

by Jonny Hardy October 2, 2005

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