When a guy bearing the name of Tristan, unpromptedly and all of a sudden acts in a particular manner that is very much prone to result in the destruction of objects. Usually accompanied by heavy beatboxing or other ways of producing rythmical sounds.
Tobias : " Tristan, stop trying to put the LED into the socket!"
*LED explodes*
Pat: " This is such a Tristan Moment. "
*Tristan starts to shred it vocally-*
A absolute Masterpiece. She is kind, beautiful, and has an amazing personality. She always wants to make you feel better when your not at your best. She is the kind of person you can never take for granted. Enjoy every moment you have with her while it last. I have never meet an as amazing person as her. <3
Tristan Canon: an amazing person
Ahahahahahahahahahahaha oh! You stupid bitch that hilarious!
Hym "Ahahahahahaha! You beautiful bastard! Ouch my side actually hurts from laughing so hard! I just saw the Tristan song and I would give you a full pardon for that shit! Ha!"
Tristan French is my dad that is my dad and also did I mention he’s my dad
Tristan French is my mommy and my daddy
A disease that makes you like Tristan. It also has many side effects like:
-No life
-Decrease in brain cells
-No friends
-Extreme attraction to men
-Trips over empty boxes and backpacks
-Bad Grades
-Bad taste in music
-Being a ripoff Jack Harlow
-No dad
-Has rooster hair
-Has unusual fetishes
And many more...
It's something you should really want to avoid, it's not something to joke about either. There is no treatment and no cure.
Guy 1 "That guy is retarded"
Guy 2 "He must have Tristanitis"
Guy 1 "On god"
Guy 2 "Must be a skill problem"
The biggest choofinator of all time. If you see him be sure to wave away the smoke above his head (we don't want him to be caught, considering he is also the dealer).
Besides the fact that he choofs, he is also surprisingly funny. One joke that he said the one time goes as follows:
What do you call a sheep with no legs?
~A cloud
Gets me everytime lmao X)
Damn bro, you choof like Tristan Torrance.
1👍 1👎
Wait... Do I only own one of them!?
Hym "Tristan Tate..." *Boop* "Property..."