Source Code

rekt scrub

When a noob gets fucking destroyed on Call of Duty

"Get fuckin Rekt scrub""

by Threxds December 27, 2016

Muff Scrub

Another name for a Goatee.

Hey, look at that dudes Muff Scrub.

This chick is gonna be riding my Muff Scrub all night.

by Donkey_Cock May 31, 2007

Scrub Swag

A compliment to a nurse or someone who wears scrub uniforms. Another way of saying their scrubs are dope, awesome, or the bomb. It may also be applied to their awesome attitude while rocking scrubs.

"Jenna, you got scrub swag, girl." (she lives by GTS-gym, tan, scrubs)

by runursenancy June 8, 2012

Monkey Scrub

To be given a monkey scrub is the act of being put in a headlock and having your head rubbed with a knuckle. This can also be referred to as a nookie.

I gave my brother a monkey scrub

by Monkeyscrub November 2, 2021

Bum Scrubbing

The act of rubbing butt cheeks to make a slapping noise with your business partner in a shower.

Ah yes, that bum scrubbing session really helped us set our quarterly business goals.

by dick_dicky_dick March 11, 2020

scrub tactic

A scrub like move in which people, usually in the gaming demographic, use cheap and/or easy way to defeat or finish something.

That Clash Royal layer used a scrub tactic to beat me!

by The game pro February 21, 2017

Scrub daddy

A frickinsponge

Brainless guy: “what’s a scrub daddy?” Me: “A sponge. With a smiley face.” Brainless guy: “🧽🙂” Me: “I guess so

by I need help 2023 January 11, 2023