Source Code


When the contents of a personal sized bottle of soda/pop is emptied down to the

top of the label and refilled to the maximum capacity with Barton's

vodka(preferably) or substituted with any other liquor.

The name is in reference to the bubble shape of the top of the soda/pop bottle.

Also see Cubble

"She pounded an entire bubble...then stormed off"

by PO1 May 26, 2009

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Bubble Struggle

The BEST game ever created...

"Mr. Bliss' class does nothing but play Bubble Struggle."

by Doug April 14, 2004

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Trump Bubble

The entire fucked-up world contained within a mysterious, nefaroius construct of Trump-think, narcissistic-driven wholesale derangement of perspective; a divorce relative to ANYTHING that ACTUALLY exists and that REALLY matters...

Oh, shit! I'm in a Trump Bubble...I seriously can't tell the difference between my ass and a hole in the fucking ground...

by YAWA October 19, 2019

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Bubble Rape

The act of invading someones personal space with out their permission to do so.

"Dude, Devin totally just bubble raped Bo..."

"Yeah, his finger was all up in his grillz!"

by Hellan Keller December 17, 2009

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lard bubbles

Boobs you get when you're on the heavy side.

Me: "That girl has a nice rack!"
James: "No..that's my 10 year old sister, she just has lard bubbles."

by drivedrivedriver May 4, 2009

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Dirty Bubbles

A blond creature who lives in North Kingstown, Rhode Island. It has extreme episodes of flatulence. Also Dirty Bubbles works as a Ass Model because of her HUGE ASS. There are several known hikers who have gotten lost in her ass. When the famous explorer Thadous Buttlover came to America he laid claim to Dirty Bubbles Ass. Dirty Bubbles is also scared of the "rock on sign" and the KKK.

"Your a jackass" - Dirty Bubbles

by Catman101 July 16, 2010

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Love Bubble

When your holding back a fart and one slips by, causing a single bloop during sex

Man last night I was hitting it hard and was trying to hold it back but I couldn't. She asked what was that. I said oh nothing baby, it was a love bubble.

by Jackmehoff2214 August 17, 2015

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