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mile a minute

An extremely fast pace.

That bitch was talkin a mile a minute.

by john smith June 10, 2004

7๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

mile a minute

Uh, Sixty miles an hour? Der!

This slang is when something, usually speech, is going very quickly.

"That guy's on crystal meth."
"How can you tell."
"He's talking a mile a minute."

by Jeff Lebowski June 10, 2004

6๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

guilt miles

Guilt Miles are the points collected from a guilt trip. Unlike Air Miles, these 'points' are collected from people, typically those that find the truth to be too painful and try to make you feel bad/guilty about what you said.

Jackie: *cries* I've been working really hard at work lately, and you know the whole thing with my Mom dying has been really stressful. And it's almost my Birthday and I feel so old...

Ryan: Whatever. You're 23 in 5 months, your Mom died 8 years ago and you make sand castles with kids at work. 400 points.

Jackie: Huh?

Ryan: Guilt Miles you crazy b*tch. I could fly the world by now from the points you dish out daily.

by itjustclicked July 6, 2010

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Miles Kirby

Iโ€™m going to miss him when he is miles away - intelligent, on road and packing - 100% boss

Road man 1 โ€œYour Nan looks like a bit of a Miles Kirbyโ€
Road man 2 โ€œWell that is cause she is on roadโ€

by hhbuhbo December 10, 2020

miles gloriosus

Latin for "bragging soldier." A person who continually boasts of his fighting capability, but the very nanosecond he finds himself in an actual fight, he turns tail and runs his ass out of town.

Bully: Well!? Who wants some!? I can snap a man in two with my fingers!
Fighter roughly his size: Sure thing, punk. *throws left hook*
Bully: SHIT SHIT SHIT! *runs down hall*
Random dude in crowd: Yup. Bona fide Miles Gloriosus.

by Intelligence001 November 22, 2019


When you use a bicycle to paint 8 miles of Astroglide onto a road and then slip-and-slide down it with an erect penis.

Ben 8-miled yesterday and it did not go well.

by DeathAndMaxes March 5, 2020

lizzy miles

she has a big ass booty. all the guys wanna fuck. her since of humor is slight sexual, but hilarious

i heard lizzy miles and him are dating

yeah heโ€™s so lucky

by sexy bitch liz April 19, 2019