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waverly shell rock high school

Waverly shell rock is not the best school in Iowa. It’s where all the whores go, and a bunch of rich pot heads. If mommy and daddy don’t pay a lot of to the school you are treated like sh*t by teachers and are benched with any sport you play. Don’t try to make friends, they are all fake and back stab little whores. All the boys what is sex and if you don’t do it with them they dump you or start rumors about you. Don’t bother with the country bumpkins either cause all they care about are tractors, bush light, and their corn fields. So if you’re planning on going to wsr, don’t.

Ethan is waverly shell rock high school a good school?

Alisha no it sucks.

by Ilovetvguys August 25, 2019

Sea Horse Sea Shell Party

Just ask Dan Deacon himself, this phrase is absolute genius. A phrase like this only comes from being intoxicated, when using "Sea Horse Sea Shell Party" you must be sitting alone in a dark closet imagining anything that is NOT possible. This phrase comes to mind when thinking about how beautiful sea horses are and how influential they are in our every day life. To attend to this "party" one must be on a high trip of acid, without this effect you will not be able to get into this "party". Please use this phrase frequently in random sentences for it will brighten your over all life.

What is this sea horse sea shell party? why didn't I get invited?

by Flinner Man March 19, 2010

28👍 18👎

Waverly Shell Rock High School

WSR is full of judgmental bitches, shit teachers, mullets, privileged athletes, and furries. Forget the music department, we never heard of it, but our brand new gym and athletic center seems to be a hit. Who needs air conditioning? Don’t come to our school unless you have a good athletic reputation. You are nothing if you aren’t in sports. Oh and don’t be surprised if you see kids sitting during the pledge of allegiance, it’s a common occurrence here. Don’t get me started on teachers man, most of them only like you if you’re in a sport.

Waverly Shell Rock High School

Timmy should I join the choir?

Psh fuck the choir Sara

by pastynoodles September 11, 2021

She sells sea shells on a sea shore

Luigi's rap.

Stolen from Waluigi.

She sells sea shells on a sea shore
But the value of these shells will fall
Due to the laws of supply and demand
No one wants to buy shells cause theres loads on the sand

You must create a sense of scarcity shells will sell much better if people think theyre rare you see
Bare with me take as many shells as you can find and hide em on an island stock pile em high until theyre rarer than a diamond

You gotta make the people think that they want m
Really want m, really fuckin want m
Hit m like Bronson
Influencers product placement featured prime time entertainment
If you haven’t got a shell then youre just a fucking waste man

its monopoly, invest inside some property start a corporation make a logo do it properly
Shells must sell that will be your new philosophy swallow all your morals theyre a poor mans quality
Expand expand expand clear forest make land fresh blood on hand
Why just shells why limit yourself She sells sea shells sell oil as well

Guns, sell stocks, sell diamonds sell rocks sell water to a fish, sell the time to a clock
Press on the gas take your foot off the brakes - run to be the president of the United States
Big smile mate, big wave that's great, now the truth is overrated tell lies out the gate
Polarise the people, controversy is the game, it don't matter if they hate you if they all say your name

The world is yours step out on a stage to a round of applause youre a liar a cheat a devil a whore
And you sell sea shells on the sea shore

by SeijaKijin September 2, 2021

Ghost In The Shell: Stand-Alone Complex

A mundane anime featuring a big titted super cyborg ninja bitch in a thong and boots who flips around and beats the shit out of men. Or in other words, it's every fat greasy weaboo fucktard's wettest fantasy featured in their most favorite format to jerk off their one inch dongs to. Thumbing this down is also another way of openly admitting you are indeed a fat, greasy, weaboo fucktard with a one inch dong who jerks off to this shitty show.


by couchfort June 9, 2010

15👍 45👎

My back hurts like an armadillo shell

When you´re stiff and your back hurts.

Friend 1: How are you feeling today?
Friend 2: Im good but my back hurts like an armadillo shell.

by Sweden04 January 23, 2023

5👍 1👎

you may have my peanut shells

1. Statement of thinly veiled elitism. Often used when requestor is not deserving of help, or is not seen as deserving of help by philanthropic elists.

2. Used to define elitism with negative connotations.

While discussing domestic policy of the latest US administration, Jamal does his best impression of the executive leader and states "You may have my peanut shells, working poor."

by chrismeena November 22, 2005

10👍 7👎