A creepy person, usually male.
"That guy at the bar is a total creep sauce!"
water, imbibed copiously when drunk on spirits in hopes of not getting hung over
Apan: dude, i'm so wasted. pass me the sober sauce.
LOVEMASTER: chug! chug!
When you are planning to have an orgy but before hand, you pour Creamy Parmesan dressing in the area said orgy will take place in. After the orgy, you gather up as much of the sauce as you can and put it on a salad to enjoy.
Tom: Hey what did you do Friday night?
Noah: I decided to make a salad with some friends and we made our own orgy sauce to go with it.
I thought the other was lonely so I thought ill say hi, Hi Nibba Sauce
Damn, That definition was dripping in that nibba sauce
To add on to or embellish, an already crazy situation or story.
Guy 1: And the lady thanked me and gave me some money and whispered if I wanted some other favors too!
Guy 2: Quit puttin' sauce on it you know that didn't happen!
Pepper spray
Due to the fact that this defensive weapon is derived from chili peppers and ranges from 2,000,000 to 4,500,000 Scoville units. (The hottest pepper in the world is 2,200,000)
Me: “Yeah this guy was coming at me with a baseball bat just now so I gave him the hot sauce.”
Other guy: “Holy shit man, is he ok?”
Me: “No… no he is not.”
The philosophy of the Sauce as dictated by Gucci Mane states that “If a man does not have Sauce, then he is lost. But the same man can get lost in the Sauce.” In layman’s terms, without Sauce, one is fundamentally lost without direction or purpose. However, Sauce and the pursuit therein can also cause one to lose sight of other more important facets of life
I live my life according to the Philosophy of the Sauce