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Smart friend

A smart friend is someone you're probably only friends with because they are really smart and they get good grades in every subject. You use them to copy all the homework, get all the exam questions and get help with projects and written products.

John: hey Kira and Kyla seem like really good friends!
Bob: lmao she doesn't know it, but Kyla is Kira's smart friend.

by EmoLife May 9, 2017

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


fake smart, or pseudo-intellectual, is the classic kid in the back of the room with non prescription thick rimmed glasses, a 4x4 Rubio cube, and some kind of graphic tee depicting how edgy they are. Their grades are probably shit, but they consider themselves β€œtrivia smart”. Chances are, they’ll be atheists or or her- hermadaffadytes

An excellent example of a fake-smart person is the child looking up β€œfake-smart” on urban dictionary to reassure himself that atheism is the true answer.

by pookipookinschteinthelonerwolf February 21, 2018

7πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

book smart

A disparaging term coined by people who are hood rats to make themselves feel better because they are not as smart as people who are highly educated.

Hoodrat: You're so book smart, you're still stupid.

Educated Person: That really hurts coming from a drug dealer living out of an abandoned apartment.

by Daniel81 February 28, 2017

14πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

street smart

A street smart person usually grew up in a shrewd environment. He/She knows the workings of the mind inside people who are less educated, and knows how to make the correct choices while in their presence.

Eminem, Makai Phipher, Me, Jennifer Lopez and Dave Chappelle are all of examples of people who are street smart.

by Haveaheart81 November 23, 2006

169πŸ‘ 210πŸ‘Ž

smart ass

n. A condition whereby the desire to defecate is directly proportional to the distance one is from their home. The usual explanation is pyschologial repression of bowel movements when one is out.

Not to be confused with smartass.

I was fine all night, but just as I pulled into my driveway, I had the overwhelming urge to drop the kids off at the pool.

by keyshaw February 7, 2005

176πŸ‘ 220πŸ‘Ž

street smart

the intelligence of approaching things stealthy to get one's way

not book smart

people smart

He's an underground winner, he seems to use his street smarts to succeed in life.

by Beantowner December 18, 2004

152πŸ‘ 193πŸ‘Ž

Street smart

Absolute nonsense idiots use to feel better about themselves, or to brag when in reality they have literally nothing going on.
Used in place of actual logic or as the idiots using this teen call it "book smarts".

Idiot: hey that guy got an A on the test.
Person: yeah i heard that guy is actually really smart
Idiot: well book smarts don't mean anything in the real world, i have Street smarts... By the way this lemon is really sour, that's surprising.

by word adveruter April 7, 2017

16πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž