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Toilet Baby

A crap so large it resembles a crowning infant. Stitches may be required to reassemble the anal port.

After Thanksgiving I had a toilet baby that was so large, I was in poop labor for 3 hours.

by Benicio Del Torro April 11, 2009

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Cum toilet

A person that is used for a semen depository or disposal receptacle in one or every orifice by one or multiple partners.

She is a real cum toilet or Me Mike and Dave used that bitch for a cum toilet

by El Heffy March 20, 2010

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assassinate the toilet

The act of clogging not only your toilet but toilets within a 5 mile radius.

What happens after you watch Twillight and get violent diarrhea.

man #1: Dude I have to go assassinate the toilet.
man #2: Ill call the plumber.

by Reaper118us March 19, 2010

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Toilet Greaser

A spontaneous "Handjob" service produced by one male to another usually on the mutual grounds that both parties are straight and in need of relief

Hillbilly Job: "Yeah man, I'm telling yah, back in my day we would just get a quick toilet greaser after lunch and call it a day"

Jax: "you right"

by Pussy mags July 21, 2016

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Toilet Torpedo

Dropping a toilet bomb that is backed directly behind it buy a large fart. The resulting eruption from the fart launches the turd at high speed into the rear toilet wall.

Friend 1: Hey man you done in the bathroom?

Friend 2: Ya I had a bad case of the toilet torpedoes!

Friend 1: Aww, man did you clean it off the back of the bowl?

by jwaybut November 18, 2009

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toilet cake

the act, or product of moving bowls.

to "bake" toilet cake is to take a dump.

"i'm going to bake some toilet cake."

by L-sos November 14, 2007

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Toilet Padding

Protection against splashback via loading the toilet bowl with large amounts of toilet paper, creating a cushion-like padding in which poo may be gently dumped.

"Man, I used so much fucking Toilet Padding it almost clogged the pipes! Fucking half the whole roll man! If I hadn't, that shit man, it would have soaked my ass like a depth charge had gone off."

by Arkhangelsk July 18, 2009

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