An endearing sentence, used when you might not be able to keep the conversation going? I’d like to say it’s when you love someone so much you don’t know what to do with it.
“What am I supposed to do with you, love?”
I'm taking a piss
Ok but why aren't you jumping at me, that's what you're supposed to do.
Time to take a piss pssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
What the hell are you doing?
This riddle was created by Abby Ellis and is completely ridiculous! All the clues given to help solve it are unrelated and bizarre! It’s a fun riddle to give your friends to pass half an hour.
What do farmers love but astronauts hate?
The answer is written on the ceiling
Teddy bears
Children can draw it but adults can’t
Any other ridiculous clue
This question tests if an adult male is a real man or not. A woman asks when assessing if an adult male is worth being in a romantic relationship with. If the guy says yes, he is a real man. If he is confused by the question, he is not worthy. If he says no but expresses interests in improving himself, don't write him off as a not-man yet. there is still hope
"Mike, do you know what to do with a box of bees? "
"uh, no?"
"then learn or go away. I only date REAL MEN."
A Chasidish slang word to make peerim.
Peerim= everything
Menucha texting Batsheva "What's Doing (chaseedish accent)" 😍😍.
Batsheva answers "Peerim".
Batsheva also says " BUSY GALL"!!!!!!
Ah, I see what you’re referring to now! Here’s a fitting Urban Dictionary-style definition:
To What I Do (phrase): A playful, nonchalant response to being accused of wrongdoing or questionable behavior.
“you was hella wrong for what you did”
“what i do?”
And I will murder your kids if you don't give me what I'm owed.
Hym "You choosing to do what you're doing isn't me being the problem. And if people keep murdering your kids, maybe YOU are all the problem. My kids haven't gotten murdered. So, I must be doing something right. I'm not the problem. Doing push-ups hasn't made you any better than you are. You and the fat slob YouTuber ARE THE SAME THING. You're not better than me. They just aren't doing to you what they are doing to me."