The opposite of bi-polar. As defined by Charlie Sheen.
Likely to happen when you bang seven gram rocks, or take the drug Charlie Sheen which is known to melt your face off. Similar things may happen if you have tiger blood or Adonis DNA.
He wins here and he wins there... he's bi-winning
Having a powerful erection upon succeeding in something one passionately wants to.
After I beat my roomate in a thrilling triple overtime game of madden, I experienced quite a throbbing and persistent win boner.
It's the phrase used when you're about to get bisected in half, normally through the waist like AMOGUS
Person 1: Nah, I'd win
Person 2: *Summons the writer and kills person 1 with plot*
Person 1: *Dies*
Person 3: It's Gojover
Person 4: Nowaying
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when you are oggled/checked out by a lesbian
"OMG! Ladies, 'Female McLadyLover' just checked out my ass! Lesbi-win!"
A gene that one inherits, like any other that makes a person very well rounded and likely to "win" at many aspects of life. The win gene allows the carrier to pick up new things very quickly compared to the average human. Phrase originated from the song "All I Do Is Win". The win gene is separated into many categories that are displayed in the carrier. They include:
25% intelligence, 15% appearance, 15% social skills (speaking ability, attitude, etc.), 15% athleticism (strength, endurance, etc), 10% musical talent, 10% life success (well-known, wealth, clothing, car, etc.), 5% video game skills, 2% trivia knowledge, 2% leadership, and 1% sexual endurance.
-"Wow, he is awesome at everything he does, he must have the win gene!"
-"The win gene has been passed down through our family for generations. All my relatives have had successful lives!"
-"Pete Dawkins is a former Heisman Trophy winner, Rhodes Scholar, U.S. Army Brigadier General, and Republican candidate for Senate. He is also the former vice chairman of Citigroup Private Bank. He definitely has the win gene."
(Noun): The extreme feeling of relief after completing a difficult level/stage in a video game.
Player 1: "Whoa, that was seriously tough dude."
Player 2: "IKR? But at least you have that relief win. Now onto Level 3."
Player 1: "GDI!"
What I say to daniel when i roast him in chess
I win these!