Alec is the best person you'll ever meet, they're so kind and beautifull, there's something wrong with you if you hate them! >:(
I love you husband <3
Me: hey do you know Alec <3 ( tmomy )?
person: no, why?
me: they're the best, gogywoggysoggyarmpithair is their tiktok you should show her some appreciation <3
stupid ass niggas use this word frequently cuz they lonely and dumb.
When you rent out a 3 bed hotel room and have a threesome in three separate beds (because social distancing) where you can’t touch your partners but can touch yourself while you look at them.
Seán: “Man, I had the best COVID-3 last night!”
Bully: “No you didn’t, virgin.”
Seán: “I know :(
A doctorate program that can be completed in online in 3 years during Covid when it should take 6-8 years and the highly questionable folks who are calling themselves 'doctor.'
I had to deal with a fucking 3 year-old pharmacist today questioning my Harvard Psychiatrists orders the patient has been safely on for 10 years.
im so bored i wrote 1!¡2"@3#£4¤$5%€6&7/{89)0=}+?\´`±qwertyuiop¨`~asdfghjkl'*<>|zxcvbnm,.:-_ in urban dictionary
The best game in the Fallout series
A flashback to 2008...
Man: Hey, did you hear that Fallout 3 came out?
Other Man: No, i didn't! I have to play it