To take a shit in ones hand, and proceed to stick just the head of the shit inside ones partner, then take the unprotruded end of the shit in both hands and proceed to roll it like Martha Stewart would roll dough.
Lee - "Dang Mark, I heard you gave her a Toledo Tootsie Roll."
Mark - " yeah I know man it was awesome but now my hands are covered in shit so I just wiped it on her."
Lee - "that sounds awesome I would have definitely rubbed it all over."
Someone fiending for the crack, they take the rock and then they spaz out and start rolling
A Slang term for an action of a drug user hiding their crack (rock) from police or any other untrustworthy individuals.
“Yeah, suspect here who apparently tried to do a Rock and Roll while we were passing by!”
Person 1: AC/DC are the silent leaders of rock and roll.
Person 2: Hell yeah man!
The worst music Genre behind country.
bro this new song is so fire!
what genre is it nigga?
its rock and roll bro
this why yo mama dead. bitch ass nigga
What people for some reason think is the shield against the virus when, in fact, it isn't.
Sharon: Hey caroline I stocked up on tissue roll because of the virus
Caroline: what?
Originally terms used to describe the flight dynamics of an aircraft, they can be used as an idiosyncratic alternative to describe a girl's attributes, i.e., Looks, intelligence, and personality.
Come on Sarah, lot's of boys at school like you. You've got it all! Yaw, pitch, and roll. -Esther De Groot, from Scary Go Round by John Allison