tasty roll made with guava and usually eaten with a sauce
I love to eat guava roll on hot and cold days.
A word used to describe a driver rolling through a intersection
“Look at that dumb man rolling through the intersection”
A link sent by mostly your friends and your dumb ass figured it will be a good idea to click on it here's a link to learn more about the meaning
you were rick rolled my guy
An action that can only be committed by Rick Stansbury. This action involves trailing by a large deficit and then coming back out of nowhere to get the win.
Some dude: WKU just beat Arkansas in OT
Some other dude: Wow, they got Rick Rolled again
A movement in the legs which defines ones bottom. When the legs are spread. pushing one cheek of the bottom backwards defining it's shape.
- Used to mention a desirable bottom
- Used in slang to describe an unattractive bottom or as a jest
1. "Did you check him out? His arse is so huge he bum-rolls while sitting"
2. "That girl has one fineeeee bum-roll"
I'm headed to the club to play some tootsie roll bingo!
Frozen Tostitos Pizza Rolls that have been shoves up ones anus, until fully cooked.
" Hey, dinners ready!"