A douche bag of epic proportions and on every level, they are such a douche, even normal douches fear them... they wear a crown made of douchery. They are usually called Matthieu and come from France.
"Hey dude, that guy isn't a normal douche, he is the king douche!"
One who Is the essence of epic lamesauce and uber douche-ness. A person that would give anything just to be a asshole
When a normally cool, or at least tolerable person becomes a total douchebag over texts or on the Internet, and denies it.
"Jesus, did you see the group chat last night?"
"Yeah, Brittany was being a total Internet douche, that must of been pretty shitty for you."
A slap exclusively for douche bags.
that geek is a douche bag, i should give him a Douche-slap!
douche rod is a guy who is useful for one thing which is using his cock to siphon out the smell of a girl who has a nasty smelling pussy.
"that chick's pussy smelled so bad that I wanted to give her the number of a douche rod I know"
Karen was being a dick douche canoe and driving in the left lane.