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A person who is perfect and an amazing person superior to everyone in the world.

Guy1: Hey you’re so Ok./daniel (it means: youre so fucking hot and sexy and perfect)
Guy2: Thanks!

by Pl0000 September 12, 2022

Jane Danielle

Jane Danielle is a e-famous scene queen and model.

Jane Danielle is another scene queen

by Scenewhoreslut July 22, 2008

Daniel Vela

A person who is honestly unpredictable and has a really big cock

Tony is such a "Daniel Vela"

by Iamaveryunfunnyman November 3, 2023

Daniel Robert Seavey

An ocean eyed babe with one of the best body’s ever. Apart of the boy band Why Don’t We.

My favorite Why Don’t We member is Daniel Robert Seavey

by .limelight4life January 11, 2020

Daniel Fedor

the coolest home guy in the whole world. he wears patagonia jackets and ugg boots. he also likes to play mario cart in tech class

whoaaa look at daniel fedor! he's awesome

by meggggggggggggggy April 15, 2011

daniel joseph hudelson

super sexy daddy, low-key gay... receiver of the penis in the anus. secretly trans. is attracted to family members. really good rapper/freestyle/lyricist

daniel joseph hudelson is so queer, UWU

by Chug_Dady420 April 10, 2021