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'I like turtles' bomb

dropping 'i like turtles' at random or inappropriate moments in a conversation. This phrase was made famous by that stupid kid on the internet when asked a question which did not merit an 'i like turles' response. It can be funny if used sparingly... very sparingly.

person1: that test was nothing what i expected, i hope i passed.

person2: yeah, that test was tough.

person1: it's like, could she have made that test any harder?

person3: I like turtles.

person1: you're retarded.

person2: i thought it was kind of funny. it helps that he does it sparingly! Nice 'I like turtles' bomb, person3.

by TribbleDibbleBibble(sc3n3) October 10, 2010

54๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

dropping the atomic bomb

its when the popular jocks break up bombing pearl harbor by kicking their japanese asses.

"you japanese gays! im gonna kill all you faggots! go make me noodles and stop ur gay butt sex!

"o please no no no hiroshima iwo jima"

fuck you

by fucksoid April 26, 2005

7๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

hand delivered fart bomb

When you release a hot fart into your hand while you have it cupped over your butthole to catch it, then release in the face of someone.

I just gave my lover a hand delivered fart bomb when he was least expecting it.

by Turdy McBunkerson April 16, 2006

29๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Iowa Atomic Corn Bomb

This action requires one full day of preparation. The day before hooking up with a filthy pig, every meal consists of eating nothing but corn on the cob. The morning of the hookup, you will need to ingest ONE full bottle of Ex-lax. While fucking her huge tits, and before you dump a load on her face, you release a massive ATOMIC like, explosive diarrhea of corn filled shit, from the the previous day's prep work onto her stomach. You then slide your ass up over her chest, onto her face, finally cleansing your ass in her hair. Thus leaving devastation everywhere.

If that filthy pig keeps it up, I'll have to give her an Iowa Atomic Corn Bomb. She's earned it.

by Don't you worry about it.... February 20, 2009

234๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž

D-town time bomb

when having a threesome with two girls and one guy the guy takes steamy dump in one girls cooter then haves her stand over the other girl. then the guy counts down from 5 and punches her in the uterus and sends a hot shower of shit all over the girls grill piece.

Last night i had this girl send a huge D-town time bomb all over this 4 dollar hooker

by Mark Jake Bob Matt February 17, 2008

44๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Buc-ee bomb

A buc-ee bomb is when you defecate in a buc-ee bag and tie it off and throw it

Yo man I ate so much food at buc-ees I had to go out back and make a Buc-ee bomb

by Turdass June 7, 2022

2๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

cover the face, bomb the base

What you should do to a girl who has a really fit body, but the face is like a slapped arse that needs censoring.
Can also be known as a paper bag job

"Check out that girl over there, she's well fit."

"Yeah, nice body....look she's turning around..."

"Oh shit, what a minger..."

"Yeah, but you can always cover the face, bomb the base..?"

"Good idea, but i'll need another pint of cider first.."

by Prem Shah September 19, 2006

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