The girl with the most beautiful green eyes, the kind you fall in love with, funny, gentle...
Once you fall in love, she decides its really not something that shes into, and that she would rather get her back broken by some bbc...
Leaves the instant she is bored..
Person that is usually liked by everybody.
O: Hey Look, its Nina
L: Great, this party is going to be less boring now that shes around
The prettiest, nicest girl you will ever meet, always has blonde hair and blue eyes, loves art and doubts her self worth. She has alot going on so support her in every way. She is the most empathetic person you will ever meet so treat her with care.
Oh shit thats a nina shes so pretty
A primitive ape that isn't capable of comunication
Class mate: Fabrizio how was your day ?
Fabrizio : it was horrible i saw a NINA !!!
A very uncomfortable and dangerous person with a variety of personalities. She can be described as pure evil. By the time you know her her only intend will be to seize control not only over your body but also your soul also this person shows emotions only in absence of others can be threatening if provoced this human abomination shouldn't exist. Note( You must push as hard as it takes to get the original Nina back even if it means dying)
It was an ambush from the shadows all of our plans were compromised by a Nina.
Nina, This is big brother Edward.
A 9mm pistol.
"I always keep my Nina loaded. Anyone fucks with me I'ma blow they fucking brains out"