Breaking up with somebody and then getting an immediate new partner.
Person 1: OMG, Did you see how Kanye bumper carred Taylor for Kim?
Person 2: IK, I can't believe he did that.
When you are backing your truck up and you hit a screaming goblin man with the back of your truck
man: how about a bumper sandwich booger lips hehehehehe.
When a woman gets that extra stitch in her hoo-ha after having a baby so that her mans slim jim will feel huge
Me: I bet that it’s like throwing a hotdog down a hallway.
Shane: No sir! She’s got that Under the bumper warranty. It’s tight.
When you are in a bad mood but your significant other wants to engage in sexual intercourse. This is called the grumper bumper because although you're not in the mood, who are you to turn down sex, so you push through with the grumper bumper?
My hoe ass bitch burned my toast, and thought she deserved this dick! She pissed me off so I gave her the grumper bumper.
A lesbian, a female who has an affinity for other females.
Hey bro, I wonder if those two chicks are Bisquit Bumpers…
Dude! I thought I may have had a chance with her, but it turns out, she’s a Biscuit Bumper.
Logic that, if heard or read, will make sense briefly. But will not hold up under any amount of scrutiny. Bumper sticker logic will pass the smell test, but fails to hold up under deeper inspection.
“Believe all women” that is a great statement, but am I supposed to believe Ghislaine Maxwell, nah man, that is just bumper sticker logic
The bumper that cushions the strawberry jelly and chocolate pudding factory from any who may try to enter.
Damn, my humper bumper is sore after last nights boning