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burn event

A camping festival, such as Burning Man or one of its regional spinoffs, which is: based on social principles similar to those of Burning Man (such as "radical self-reliance," "leave no trace," and no vending permitted); at which are found numerous works of art, interactive performances, and art cars; and which culminates in the ritual burning of a large wooden object.

She's a hardcore burner - probably went to more than twelve burn events in the last year.

by papertygre June 2, 2010

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Chode Burn

The irritating rash that a woman gets under her breasts after being titty fucked by a man who has shaved his chode several days prior, causing wiskery stubble.

I went to the doctor to get some cream to help calm my Chode Burn.

by Anonymous January 27, 2003

45๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

burn out

1. long term physical and mental exhaustion associated with a task (usually monotonous/repetitive tasks or one's careers).

2. a person who has smoked so much marijuana that they appear slow, sluggish, and stupid.

3. the temporary unpleasant, sluggish feeling after the high from marijuana wears off.

1. Driving the bus the same route every day has burned me out.

2. John has smoked pot 4 times a day for 40 years, he's a real burn out.

3. Man, lets smoke again to get rid of the burn out.

by Brian-NYC March 26, 2008

362๐Ÿ‘ 114๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rape Burn

When you get Friction burn (commonly known as carpet burn) from being raped savagely or gang raped. This is rare in consensual sex, and if you got it from that then you should invest in a new partner.
Rape burn is actually used in some court cases as evidence.
However it does commonly get mixed up with rope burn, for the places that your rapist tied you up.

Rape burn isn't the same as chafing. But should be treated as pretty much the same. with some Aloe-Vera oil or minor burn creams

Donny - And here are the photos of my rape burn that those bastards over there gave me *points to defendants*.

Prosecutor - Let the records show that the victim is identifying pictures of her inner thighs taken on the night she was violated.

by EMT- February 26, 2008

34๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Burning Times

A period of early modern European history (spanning from the 1400s to the middle 1600s) during which there was an increased paranoia and thus hysteria that there were witches practicing forms of vice to harm the people... and these "witches" were thus tried and executed for it.

Contrary to many pagan sources, the death toll of nine million people, almost exclusively women, who were trying to keep their indigenous pre-Christian religions alive, is about as real as the Blair Witch Project; records show that somewhere between 50,000 and 300,000 people were tried (and about 48% of them executed) on charges of witchcraft.

The loss of nine million people would severely have crippled society. And those tried and executed were, by and large, Christians who asked for God to save them; anybody with strange quirks, liberal views, red hair, suspicious skin marks (freckles, birthmarks, moles, warts, etc), animal companions, or some difference that called attention, you were suspect. You were especially vulnerable if you were a woman, but roughly 25% of the victims were men (virtually all of Iceland's accused were men).

And many countries were virtually untouched by the this frenzy; Ireland saw only four "witches" executed while Russia saw ten executions; Germany, Switzerland, and eastern France saw the most hysteria.

The second most popular book of the Burning Times (after the Bible) was the Malleus Maleficarum ("The Witch's Hammer"), an absolutely humorless and misogynistic guide to "finding witches".

Southwestern Germany saw the worst of the Burning Times; Wurzburg saw several hundred executed through the late 1620s, including several priests and a number of children.

There were allegedly towns, largely in Germany, where there were no women left after the Inquisitors came through.

by Lorelili July 11, 2008

52๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

mr. burns

very old and weak powerplant owner and boss of homer simpson

"What good is money if it can't inspire terror in your fellow man?"

"Why, my good man, you're the fattest thing I've ever seen, and I've been on safari."


by clevelandsteamer July 20, 2005

204๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž

Carpet Burn

A bruise/wound that develops after having intensive sex on a carpet. Usually on the back, knees or elbows.

I'm getting carpet burn on my back. Quick, flip me over said Charlotte.

by M.K.Sam July 29, 2009

95๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž