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Intersectional Feminism

The scurry for new sources that arises when demand for oppression outstrips supply

"I am so oppressed!!!"
"Really.. How?"
"I'm not sure yet. But intersectional feminism is opening up whole new horizons in places I can be oppressed!"
"Great! For a moment there I was scared we couldn't be victims any more"

by MillenmiumMan January 21, 2020

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Rules of Feminism

As referred to in Mean Girls, the Rules of Feminism state that no girl can date her friend's:
Follow these simple rules and avoid hell in Girl World.

"Oh, no, you can't like Aaron Samuels.
That's Regina's ex-boyfriend. Ex-boyfriends are just off-limits to friends. I mean, that's just, like, the Rules of Feminism!" - Gretchen Weiners (Mean Girls)

by R!aaaachellll June 21, 2007

105๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


the radical notion that women are people.

"I'm a feminist, so I don't think you should hit women"
"If it's really equal rights shouldn't it be fine?"
"Many women are in physically abusive relationships. The problem is you do hit us feminism is telling you we'd like you to stop!"

by AxePed July 31, 2020

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A movement that seeks to dismantle patriarchal systems which have historically oppressed women and gender diverse people. Patriarchy consists of male rule. Under patriarchy leaders are not held accountable and have unchecked privilege and power. Socio pathic traits are valued over genuine leadership skills such as compassion, openess, and justice seeking.

All genders are capable of upholding and perpetuating patriarchal violence.

Current feminism is intersectional. A term coined by Kimberle Crenshaw which explores various intersecting oppression. For instance, a wealthy black queer woman will experience deeper layers of prejudice based on race, sexual orientation and gender but have class privilege

A poor cis white woman will experience classism but will have cis white privilege. It's imperative to use ones privilege to stand up for more marginalized people.

Feminism seeks to dismantle these oppressive systems in hopes of implementing more liberating models where people are free to express and be who they are without fear of discrimination.

Some feminists are matriarchal. Matriarchy is NOT patriarchy with women in power. Matriarchy is an entirely different system where women are leaders, and communication, accountability, and transparency are prioritized. Under matriarchy life is more sustainable for all living things.

The definitions of feminism provided on this website are inaccurate and written by women-hating fearful ignorant people.

"I am a feminist because women deserve equal pay for equal work"
"I am a feminist because I believe that women who are raped shouldn't be asked what they were wearing"
"Feminism is for everyone" -Bell Hooks

by Vedafrances June 2, 2019

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true feminism

the idea of true equality between men and women, not just treating women better than men and calling it 'equal.'

women being held to the same expectations, consequences, etc. as men.

Suzie says women should be able to have an abortion without a man's decision, but thinks men should also be required to pay child support if the woman wants to keep her baby--again, regardless of the man's decision. Suzie's ideas are not true feminism.

by avoiceforpeople November 9, 2013

36๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


False or fake feminism.

When Women act or say they are self sufficient and don't need Men for happiness. Also striving for equal rights and equal

Basically being independent from Men's help and becoming self sufficient, yet not dismissing the social perks. Which if they did, would make them truly self sufficient.

Note: I am NOT saying that Women have no social disadvantages and that Men have no social advantages.

Female: I'm not going to have sex right now, I don't want to. I should not be treated as an object because I am a Woman. I am going to be strong, I don't need any help from Men to be happy.

Male: Ok. I think that is good.

Female: Good, hold my bags and come shopping with me, and my birthday is coming up, buy me a gift. $500 minimum.

Male: Cut the Pseudo-Feminism crap.

by joe725 June 14, 2008

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feminism cringe

When a feminist says/does something so radical that your whole body shrivels up in an attempt to maintain homeostasis.

Feminist: "You're so cis gender! Take your privilege elsewhere!"

Dude: "Stop before you cause me to have a feminism cringe!"

by Jbizzly April 18, 2016

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