The one wall no man has ever dared to cross. Immune to all forms of warfare including Nickita Warfare™. Almost as powerful as the "Jewish Firewall". Not related to the derogatory Jewish slur "Gypsy".
"Bro that faggot Alessio can't get passed me, I turned on my Gypsy Firewall." -Borat
"Bro, your right!" - Samuel L. Jackson
An absolute dank G.
She is SUCH a Gypsie Palmer! Did you see what she just done?
A sexual promiscuous person. Often times deceptive about other sexual partners.
"Shes a dirty little jeans gypsy." As a question, "Who's a dirty little jeans gypsy!?".
A woman's bra when it is used to hold items.
She stuck her phone in her Gypsy purse.
When a girl is giving you head and you bust but she doesn't stop so you bust again
"Dude last night Jordan gave me a double gypsy. I can't decide if I loved it or hated it"
When you are low on credit and don't want to waste it. So you ring your boy and after hearing one ring you hang up so he gets a missed call and rings you back. Credit saved.
Sorry for Gypsy calling you mate. Low on credit and Mum won't pay for more.
Woah, don’t even go there bro. One of the worst things you can be called.
Friend 1: You are a Gypsy Wipsy
Friend 2: Wow, I’m done. We’re not friends anymore.