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truth or penguin

A game played on Real World D.C. after show with Andrew and some of the other cast members.
Penguin meaning false.

Andrew: Truth or penguin? I have a Korean brother.
Cast members: reply, truth or penguin
Andrew: Truth, I have a Korean step-brother

Andrew: Truth or penguin? I have am a cage fighter.
Cast members: reply, truth or penguin
Andrew: Penguin

by Shabooyaa January 1, 2010

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toss the penguin

Verb: Wank, Male masturbation, Bash the bishop, Pull the trouser snake

but often used in winter (hence the penguin reference)

Guy 1: Dude, my girlfriend's outta town for the holidays, guess I'm gonna have to toss the penguin
Guy 2: That sucks man maybe you could have phone sex?

by Alisonyankee December 5, 2010

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Penguin Hammered

So drunk you waddle around like a penguin. It doesn't hurt to be wearing an original penguin shirt.

Damn my buddy was penguin hammered last night, he couldn't even stand.

by Slim Daddy Love March 9, 2012

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Penguin Style

Sex with both partners pants around their ankles.

I'm so horney for you I'm gonna do you penguin style from the door to the bed and I'm not planning on taking my shoes off.

by GeezusJizz March 7, 2016

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Sexual Penguin

The name given to a man who gets laid no more than twice a year, similar to a male penguin.

How is it possible that you've beat off 6 times today dude?

I'm a sexual penguin, no choice in the matter. Fuck off.

by CDC720 January 6, 2013

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penguins drunk

Drinking an excessive amount of alcohol prior to a pittsburgh penguins hockey game. On walk to the rink, checking is bound to occur. Inebriation may results in fighting at end of game and lack of memory in morning. Another result may be strained relationship with spouse and/or girlfriend.

I had to slept outside because I was penguins drunk.

by Billy Bob Heinz November 8, 2007

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penguin crotch

When one's jeans are worn too low, the crotch area sags below the person's actual crotch area. This is often a symptom of ill-fitting pants.

"My pants are so tight that I can't pull them up all the way. As a result, I get penguin crotch."

by pkthree December 4, 2006

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