Silly bitches on Facebook with unsolicited opinions of your canine's special treats
"Don't put up a picture of your dog with a ham bone on Facey- it will summon the ham police!"
Look. I know there are crooked cops out there. There is always going to be bad cops out there, as there is with anything. I'm not denying African Americans are being shot, sometimes for no reason. As with anything, there is always going to be a bad thing to a good thing, that's just how it is and will always be. With that being said, you need to listen to the police. A large problem with society today and why a large majority of African Americans are being shot is because they are not listening to the police. The job of police is to protect and serve. If an officer tells you to do something, you do it. Doesn't matter the reason, you do as your told. Don't argue or disagree with them about doing nothing wrong because that will only cause for trouble. If it turns out they're in the wrong, sue them later. It bad enough they are provoked, don't add gas to the flame by doing something that causes them to react in a way where someone ends up injured or even dead. Just listen to the police for god sake!
Officer: Sir back up!
Person: Ok officer.
Officer: Put your hands behind your back please.
Person: Right away officer.
*In the off chance of this happening*
Officer: Sir you can't protest here.
Person: Why not?
Officer: Private Property. (even though its public)
Person: Ok Officer I'll leave (sue them later if you want)
Person: I'm glad I listen to the police instead of acting like a child arguing.
A group of moderators who really need to do their job
Wow, these Gamer Police really need to mute that guy for micspamming constantly
The police that rides down the halls in a Segway and acts like a cheerleader. If there’s a school shooting this guy ain’t gonna do crap.
The school police officer looking stupid AF
the name given to a group of guys that go chasing after gash.
once a member of the gash police has stopped a suspect it means that they will defiantly get some action. gash police have to be specifically selected by will as members of the gash police have to be able to spot good gash when necessary and we cant allow gash criminals to get away.
the gash need to watch out because the gash police are coming.
pascal being a top lad and a well respected member of the gash police successfully tracked down the gash suspect and detained her.
A person/persons who are under the age of 16 and who are yet to shave who has the authority in a chat room visited by adults to kick boot and delete profiles
crayon police,nob jockey, acne, plank
A mother that sleep deprives her kids so that she can call the police on them for not going to school in the morning.
The police never figured out the police witch they just sent the kid to the psych ward.