a thriller/horror franchise where most of the movies suck but its ok because they're still fun. definitely one of the soap operas ever made
me: unpopular opinion i think mark hoffman of saw fame shouldhave rough kinky sex with me
everyone else: jump off a bridge
A chinese Internet slang which means to "suck mine" (嗦我的), presumably a dick.
saw word new new
How a citizen's "supporters" feel when they when they realize the citizen doesn't have the problem, they do. It is always good to identify the citizen's "supporters" as subjects.
Subject Oliver: You need help!
Citizen East: If you want to help, then sure, I'll take it. Let's get swell! I wouldn't want you feel sawful, Oliver!
Adj. Typically used with people named Sawyer or Bryce, it is an endearing word used to call someone adorable or innocent.
Awwww! He is such a Baby Saw Saw!!
Trying to fix a situation only to hurt your own self.
Idk why Jack is always trying to get with that bitch Amanda. That’s like tape-on-a-saw-blade .