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Horrible, sad, peah

"My Sock has a hole in it"
"Saw times"

by Unitedstatesamericaquisha February 4, 2016


a thriller/horror franchise where most of the movies suck but its ok because they're still fun. definitely one of the soap operas ever made

me: unpopular opinion i think mark hoffman of saw fame shouldhave rough kinky sex with me
everyone else: jump off a bridge

by numberonesawfan June 3, 2023

saw word

A chinese Internet slang which means to "suck mine" (嗦我的), presumably a dick.

saw word new new

by cancanneed July 7, 2022


Something or someone that is stupidly awful.

This homework is sawful.

by MasterMuffin193 April 29, 2022



How a citizen's "supporters" feel when they when they realize the citizen doesn't have the problem, they do. It is always good to identify the citizen's "supporters" as subjects.

Subject Oliver: You need help!

Citizen East: If you want to help, then sure, I'll take it. Let's get swell! I wouldn't want you feel sawful, Oliver!

by DiamondDick9 June 4, 2022

Baby Saw Saw

Adj. Typically used with people named Sawyer or Bryce, it is an endearing word used to call someone adorable or innocent.

Awwww! He is such a Baby Saw Saw!!

by Starflight109 April 2, 2019


Trying to fix a situation only to hurt your own self.

Idk why Jack is always trying to get with that bitch Amanda. That’s like tape-on-a-saw-blade .

by BigDogYanaBo September 18, 2020