Someone that all the girls feel comforable talking to because they are undeniably and permenently destined for the friend zone.
See also: Beta Soy Boy
Friend 1:All the girls only want to talk to me
Friend 2:Thats because you're an Absolute Beta Male destined for the Friend Zone.
A National Christian Fraternity founded in 1985 at the University of Texas. BYX's can be identified very easily as they most likely drive a 4Runner, worked at camp last summer, case race with Dr Pepper, and wear DG or Chi O date party shirts 5 days a week. Most other Frats on the row acknowledge their inherent scrub status but they tend to consistently pull a niche population of Sorority row every weekend. Studies by scientists from the IFC office have yet to determine how they manage to do this.
Wow, did you see that brother from Beta Upsilon Chi slam that
DP before bible study? If he was a disciple he would have totally been Judas.
A group of cool homeslices that like to invade.
Person 1:Team Beta Keys pwn your website!!
Web Owner:yeah I know
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A fraternity established in 1839 at Miami University holding an extremly rich history and an extensive alumni base throughout the United States and the rest of the world. Today the fraternity is on the forefront in attempting to redefine Greek Life by bringing the original principles that fraternities were started upon back into college culture. Beta Theta Pi provides a good environment for young men entering college to discover their social, intellectual, and spiritual sides in a well rounded and diverse extended family. Membership is given to a very select group of individuals who exhibit a desire to engage in social interaction in a responsible way while still having a good time. True Betas are regarded as gentlemen and well respected.
The oldest continuous Chapter of Beta Theta Pi is at Washington and Jefferson, the Gamma Chapter.
The first Chapter was established at Miami University by eight young men in 1839. The Alpha Chapter was founded by men who went on to be, among other things, A presidential elector for Abraham Lincoln, Civil War heroes, lawyers and judges, a Governor, and well respected members of society.
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A 16-40 year old underachieving male, using religion or other antisocial ideology to rationalize a nihilistic/anarchic desire to overturn the existing power structure (typical of low-status males throughout human history who's only means for increasing status was through violent revolution - eg jihadists and other brands of wanna-be aristocrats be they green, communist or fascist).
In polygamy practicing regions of the world (historically everywhere except western civilization) high status males monopolizing most of the women leads to unending cycles of beta male rage. When the society is militarily strong the rage can be directed outward through conquering new areas, raping their women, and taking them as wives, etc. However when the society is militarily weak beta male rage comes in the form of internal unrest, lack of social cohesion, civil wars, etc. The modern western world having removed the civilizing restraints on sexuality (marriage and monogamy) since the sexual revolution onward has seen social breakdown equal to polygamous societies with a major rise in mass casualties attacks by disgruntled single males. However unlike previous eras or other parts of the world internet pornography and video games has kept the worst at bay.
How come women, married men, or alpha males, never carry out mass shootings? Because it's beta male rage!
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a new revoultion in computer software.
shit nigga, did you buy dat new program yet?
wut program dat be nigga?
beta nig 8.0!
nah son, dat shit me to hott for a nigga like me.
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An aspiring Alpha Male who hovers (or orbits) around around or follows as self proclaimed Alpha Male influencer.
That guy is such a beta male orbiter, worshiping those online alpha influencers and buying their merch because he thinks it will actually help him get laid.
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