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lazy kid

1. One who rides in a wheelchair instead of using their legs, pretending to be handicapped.

Damn, that lazy kid needs to get off his ass and walk.

by o January 22, 2004

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lazy freak

One who writes words such as h8 instead of hate, omg instead of oh my god, 2 instead of to/too, rox instead of rocks, etc. in an attempt to be cool when really they are being just plain lazy and stupid.
also see dumbhead moron

Once I saw the word c instead of see, I knew at once she was a lazy freak.

by dref said right June 11, 2004

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lazy lion

The act of sitting with your testicles tucked between your legs

β€œBro I had dinner with my girlfriends parents last night and I did the lazy lion the entire time.”

by Massive Slong July 6, 2018

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Lazy Love

A free type of relationship.When you can be yourselves, Express and yet still feel comfortable around each other.

"I want a lazy love :("
"Yeah me too"

by Bananas.bandanas June 13, 2018

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lazy fag

the unlit cigarette dangling from one's mouth.

she drove about with her lazy fag in the most casual cool manner.

by phedre ann February 11, 2009

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lazy ass

The lazy ass, related to the lazy eye, is a common affliction for the sleep-deprived. Whilst one glute may move perfectly normally, the other lacks ambition and direction. It often fails to move and may start twitching.

Tony- Man, Greg's lazy ass is really acting up today.
Diane- Teeheehee
Greg (as he stumbles around compensating for his rabmbunctious left buttock)- Shut up you guys, this is really uncomfortable.

by Box March 23, 2005

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lazy wally

The effect given when one's penis strikes anothers face with such force that it causes the victim to become walleyed.

Brandon's mom not only stinks like fish, but she looks like a fish now because I gave her the lazy wally.

by Brandon's mom's lover. November 29, 2007

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