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double barrel shotgun wedding

See shotgun wedding. When the female party involved in the shotgun wedding is pregnant with twins.

Ainsley: My single friend Carlene just got knocked up with twins.

Daniel: She's in line for a double barrel shotgun wedding.

by D-Glove March 19, 2004

8πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

royal wedding

when you cum on your girlfriend's head like a hat

i came so much on her head i gave her a royal wedding, bro

by kate middleton April 29, 2011

1πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

you were at my wedding denise

How dare you

You have a lot of nerve insulting me. You were at my wedding Denise

by Sue Bell B March 28, 2019

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Italian Wedding

Male-male anal sex.

Pardon me, would you like to come back to my place and have an Italian Wedding?

by toastingsubs April 20, 2011

Wedding people

The plural form of the gender neutral and non-binary friendly way of referring to any person in a wedding party.

We are wedding people.

I want all of us to be referred to as wedding people, not bridesmaids nor groomsmen.

by LingDanc803 October 4, 2023

Arkansas Wedding

See shotgun wedding, married under circumstances, but with a relative.

I don’t see why they’re rushing for an Arkansas Wedding, the baby gonna have the same name either way.

by dananapatman September 6, 2023

wedding wrights

Wedding wright are something people say during dirty talk to their partners while getting intimate with one another.

β€œI’m gonna use my wedding wrights.” He said to his wife.

by Im_tired404 December 10, 2023