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Boy Toy

aka Rye San as in bring your toothbrush!

Who is Shannon's boy toy?

by Lameo February 9, 2005

18๐Ÿ‘ 151๐Ÿ‘Ž

Wind Your Toy

A university of guelph tradition where one dances with their knees bent in rythmn while the rear hand makes a winding motion. This is usually done to bass-heavy music and can be seen at the university pep rally.

Wind your toy, wind, wind your toy!

"I tried to teach my dad how to wind his toy but he failed miserably."

"I wound my toy so hard I almost broke a hip"

by D.Hfy December 23, 2007

34๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Shiny toy guns

The greatest band on the face of the fricken universe. Get overr it bitchess.

Now hold on to mee pretty baby, if you want to fly
Shiny toy guns-Le disko.

by hahaIooveshinytoyguns August 26, 2006

261๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Toy Story Combo

When you take a Viagra and down is with alcohol so you get a buzz and a woody

I got bored last night so i tried this thing called The Toy Story Combo I was going to infinity and beyond

by Knekted August 19, 2020

Tallahassee Tinker Toy

A sexual act wherein one partner attaches a small wheel of cheese on a stick to the end of a power drill (resembling a tinker toy, hence the name), then uses the spinning cheese to anally pleasure the other partner while performing oral sex. At completion of the act, the drill-wielding partner most often ejaculates onto the cheese and feeds it to the other partner.

Note: Sometimes used as a synonym of the Kentucky Klondike Bar, although this name is less descriptive of that act.

My girlfriend wanted to try something kinky, but we decided against the Tallahassee Tinker Toy because she's lactose intolerant and we didn't have a battery-powered drill.

by cesiophile August 29, 2014

16๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

shiny toy guns

Shiny Toy Guns is the greatest band in the world!! great lyrics, great music, both female and male singers, very different styles luv luv luv!!

shiny toy guns:
holding close my secrets, naked broken pieces, from the madness in what you do the fingers piont right back at you, what about my problems the people try to solve them, i guess im under the weather since no one else belongs here with me.
hello mother, some new for you im really not that crazy hello father, im curious why you think theres something wrong with me.

by AngelofMusic November 5, 2007

64๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Toy Story Syndrome

An inability to throw out or sell old toys and/or objects from your childhood as a result of seeing toy story (1, 2 or 3), and thus having an overly sentimental view upon these objects and imbuing them with anthropomorphic qualities. Ultimately a dangerous syndrome when combined with those partial to 'Hoarding'.

John: Wow Dave, you really do have a lot of junk lying around your house, didn't you have a garage sale recently?

Dave: Yeah, i did, but when i looked at those little G. I. Joes i used to play around with i remembered all the personalities i gave them, and all the games we used to play...

John: Yes, but now you are 34 years old and do not play with them anymore, and they sit gathering dust in an increasingly over packed room where something useful could be

Dave: I guess so, i suppose i might be coming down with Toy Story Syndrome

by Natsnud January 2, 2012

21๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž