Source Code

at its best

Of or at the highest standard of quality possible.

You'll love their new album; it's simply jazz at its best.

by MarshallM. February 12, 2017

14πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

the best in the business

Pretty much the shit. The best person there is at an art, craft, sport, or trade.

Call up Jack, he's the best in the business when it comes to stat.

by thegreatmack May 21, 2011

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Best Friend

1. will be a third wheel and not care
2. let you know when you look like shit
3. walk in your house unannounced without knocking
4. be mad at you and get over it cause there is something important to talk about

meghan currie, kaylee sted

"i wanna hang out with this guy but i can only go if you come too."
"thanks girl"
"thats what a best friend is for"

by 3ggelcm March 23, 2009

39πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

best friend

A best friend is one of the loves of your life, without them you are lost, when you lose one you are completely and utterly heartbroken.

A best friend loves you the most. A best friend cries with you when you get hurt. A best friend cuddles you when they know you need to be comforted. A best friend doesn’t have to ask what is wrong, they already know. A best friend holds your hand when you have to take a leap. A best friend isn't embarrassed by the things you do. A best friend tells the whole world how special you are. A best friend is all you really need!

guy - whose that odd ball?
girl - that's my best friend, she's awesome, I just love her!

by leopardprintkid March 6, 2009

104πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž

Best Vine

7-Second Funny Videos so that people will watch the video over and over again till it gets a lot of views and that's Best Vine

DAYUUUUMMM HAHAHAHAHAHA DUDE THAT WAS HILLARIOUS, replay it maan. that was funny AF that's in Best Vine page in FB right?

by Arcole June 21, 2013

12πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Best Sister

It is a relationship between two sister, it is more than a best friend and means more than the word sister. If you have a sister that you are best friends with she is your Best Sister!

My sister Jenna is my Best Sister.

by Jillian Pantalone July 15, 2011

12πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

best friend

Someone that is willing to sacrifice the insignificant so that you can feel SIGNIFICANT. Someone that puts you FIRST because they know you will always be there and have always been there from the beginning.

My best friend is my favorite person in the world. He would never put another person's feelings before mine.

Patient, Committed, Loyal, Trustworthy, Sweet, Passionate, and working on his temper :)

by Reeseecup April 13, 2005

81πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž