Source Code

Practical Joke

see wordfooling somebody/word

you'll find out

by VVoody September 11, 2003

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Broke as joke

When a person has so little money that it is funny and humorous, as they cannot afford to buy anything.

Person 1: Hey bro, you buying yo mum that necklace for Christmas?
Person 2: Nah mate, I'm broke as joke.

by JustABastard December 22, 2016

26๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

inside joking

1. Making a funny remark or comment that only your circle of friends would understand.

"I was hanging out with Kevin and Steve the other night. Kevin said something really odd to Steve, but Steve laughed hysterically. I guess Kevin was just inside joking."

by MarkTCM September 5, 2009

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khoury joke

A joke that is not funny at all. Or is a repetitive joke.

um that was a khoury joke

by stephanie jhong March 20, 2019

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Joke epidemic

A joke epidemic is when in a certain period of time, everyone is making the same jokes or about the same subject. It's usually after an event that got a lot of media coverage.

Synonyms: Joke pandemic and joke infection

Person A:
If I hear one more Kanye West joke, imma not let you finish.

Person B:
Dude, you're totally contributing to the joke epidemic!

by Meanum December 20, 2009

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inside joke

An inside joke is a joke, usually extremely silly and stupid, that you share with one or 2 other people. Only you and those people understand the joke; if the inside joke is explained to other people, they start to wonder if you are crazy because you find something so silly hilarious.

Katie: Are you aching for some bacon? Hahaha!
Jayne: What? That's not even funny!
Katie: It's an inside joke.

by Amyy.xox July 2, 2009

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racist joke

A kind of joke that starts with something like "Okay, so these two black guys walk into a bar, and the bartender..."

A Mexican, a black, and a white guy are in a bar having a drink when a good-looking girl comes up to them and says "whoever can say liver and cheese in a sentence can have me". So the white guy says "I love liver and cheese." she says "that's not good enough." The black says "I hate liver and cheese", and she says "that's not creative", and then the Mexican says "liver alone cheese mine."
- that's what you call a racist joke.

by Justin-WN July 11, 2008

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